
Founded 1904

Co. Clare

Morey introduces revolutionary Cool Down to U8 Training

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O'Garney park on Monday evening saw temperatures reach 27 degrees but this didn't stop our U8 hurlers turning up for training with excess of 30 players eager to follow in the footsteps of U14 Feile heros.

With DoC missing (rumor to be sun burned) Caimin who is just back from a warm weather training camp and eager to show off his tan took charge of the session - With sweat pouring off the lads Morey pulled an ace from his sleeve in the competition to become favourite coach by producing a box of Mr. Freeze ice pops for all the lads.

Rumor is Caimin ordered them but Mike paid but either way twas a nice Morey touch and all the boys were greatful of the treat.

DoC is supposedly upping the ante and in talks with HB for delivery of Cornetto's for next week.

Some snaps of Monday night here

Bridge Bucks Academy

Bridge Bucks continues for U8s on Mondays in O'Garney Park and Wednesdays at our Cappa Lodge training complex both at 6PM.

The U6 Bucks train Fridays at 6PM in O'Garney Park with Martin Conlon coordinating events. 

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