
Founded 1904

Co. Clare

Comórtas Balla Ball 2025 - St Patricks Day Hurling Wall Competition

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St. Patricks Day was traditionally a GAA day when Hurling and Football was the main spectacle on show once the local parades were over. Originally this was the Interprovincial Finals (Railway Cup) and in the years that followed it was the All Ireland Club finals which were played at GAA HQ in Croke Park on March 17th. Indeed our club has very fond memories of this day as a hurling day as in 1996 that we reached the holy grail to become the #1 Club in the country when we won the Tommy Moore Cup.

Following on from the success of the 2024 event the good news is hurling is back on St Patricks Day in the Bridge with our Comórtas Balla Ball event happening in the arena at 2pm following the local parade. This is a 3 touch Hurling Wall competition open to all Bridge boys born in 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2013. All you need is a Hurley and Helmet and any boys interested in coming back hurling are most welcome to give this a go also. The competition groupings will be divided up based on age and ability.

Please pre register for FREE here before 9PM on Friday 14th March so we can make the draw in advance of the competition and we will have prizes on the day. Parents, Families and Supporters are welcome to come and watch and the external hurling wall will be open for non competitors to puck around. All our players are encouraged to march in their club colours in the St. Patricks day parade that morning assembling at Mount Ivers at 12:15

BridgeAbú | AlwaysHurling

Rules - will be explained on the day

  1. Players will be grouped in 4 guaranteeing at least 3 games each
  2. First to 9 wins the game
  3. Coin toss for serve
  4. Serve must go over arena wall line.
  5. Ball can bounce twice and you’ve one touch to return it to the wall.
  6. or Ball can bounce once giving you two touches to return it
  7. or no bounce of Ball giving you 3 touches to get it back to the wall
To wet the appetite read the report on 2024 Competition here

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