
Founded 1904

Co. Clare

Return of the Parent and Child Nights

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The Minor Club are pleased to announce the return of our “Parent and Child” nights which will be facilitated this year by Seán Chaplin our clubs coaching officer and Jimmy Meagher the Games Development Administrator from Clare GAA for East Clare.

The first night starts this Tuesday 13th March at 7pm and continues on Tuesday’s March 20th and March 27th.
The invite to attend is extended to any of our U6 Hurlers and their Parents from last year or indeed any boys born in 2012 and 2013. The aim of these nights is for the Children and their Parents to come down to the clubhouse and enjoy some fun drills and games. The night's will also prove useful to parents who don’t come from a hurling background to familiarise themselves with some of the simple exercises to help your child practise.
What is required to partake is a Hurley, Helmet and a pair of runners. 
We look forward to seeing as many of our young players there on the nights!!!

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