With the improvement in weather conditions its time to get back onto the field for the U8 hurlers who this year will be under the coordination of Club Hurlers Caimin Morey and Martin Conlon. Any parents who are interested in helping out in ANY capacity please make yourself known to Caimin or Martin on Wednesday. Dont stand on the sidelines and watch - a little contribution makes a huge contribution for yourself, your son and your club!
Our first session for boys born in 2010 & 2011 will take place next Wednesday April 4th at 6PM in Cappagh Lodge field. TRaining will then take place every Monday and Wednesday 6-7 with blitz games once a month on Saturdays. OUr first blitz will take place on Saturday April 7th with a venue to be confirmed.
Note: All players must be paid up members of the club and membership can be paid online here at a cost of €30 (Note: Family membership options also available):
Bridge Bucks Academy (7-12 Age Group)
Remember to download our app here to stay up to date on everythig going on with the U8 team and the club in general.