
Founded 1904

Co. Clare

Morey Camp Registration this evening

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The 2nd night of camp registration for the Morey camp which runs on the 24th-27th July is this eve from 6-7 in Sixmilebridge GAA dressing rooms.

This is the 2nd last night to signup.

Full payment not needed, just a deposit.


€50 for first child and €45 for subsequent children!

About the camp

Some of you may have already heard that two of our club's best county players (who are also cousins), Chloe and Seadna Morey have decided to join forces to provide an affordable sports camp for all. The camp will allow children to be active for part of the summer. It is suitable for both new and those already involved in sport. The camp will allow your child to learn from the best as county stars and local heros will be coaching.

Reasoning behind Camp
"Seadna and I feel there is a huge amount of children in the village who aren’t taking up any sport at all. We feel such an occurrence is detrimental to the well-being and community spirt of the village. The summer months are long for kids so we felt a camp based on fun and exemplary attitude, instead of competition/performance would appeal to all.

There are a few reasons why we are adamant that this be an all-sports camp:
-each group to partake in wall ball for at least 45 mins a day, to ensure Hurling/Camogie is constantly and consistently monitored/improved. It’s also the best way to introduce those new to the sport skills of game without getting frustrated, and being involved as much as possible.).

Recent studies have shown that promoting only one sport for a child will negatively affect their ability and development to thrive in their chosen sport. Developing a range of movements and skills from different sports develops a fuller and proficient athlete.
Our coaches will be showing how a side step in tag rugby, transfers over to the hurling pitch etc. All sports relate back to the hurling pitch."

Contact Chloe on 085-1412 805 or

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