Last evening saw our training ground at Cappa Lodge transformed into a mega obstacle course designed by MC & PK Wipe Out course Designs. Course safety was under the supervision of Caimin Morey along with his apprentice Ice Man who from this photo looks to have done most of the work.
The now annual end of season event for our Bridge Bucks U8s is a given but the date was kept a secret from the players so when 57 boys rocked up on Wednesday evening with hurley and helmet in hand they were lepping around the place when they saw what was in store for them. First up was a handy warm up carried out in soft underfoot conditions:
Following the warm up it was straight in to the main course which included 7 stages:
1. High Jump: Scale the 3 Bales of hay at the speed of light
2. Run the plank: Cross the worm infested grass of Cappagh Lodge Park
3. Traverse the high wall: Use your upper body strength to pull you over the highest obstacle on the course
4. Log pull: Work in pairs to drag the 8ft telephone poles to the next marker.
5. Electric Wires: Crawl on your belly along the imaginary river of muck and slime avoiding electric shocks from the wires above disguised as a camouflage net.
6. Rolling Barrels: Spring over the blue rolling barrels to get to the big one ....
7. Car pull: Work with 3 of your team mates to pull a car 50 meters to the finish line.
Following numerous requests from the Moms, Colonel Conlon finally gave in and let them have a go at pulling the car to the loud chants and cheers from all the boys to cap off what was a memorable night. Check out the footage here
Thanks to Martin Conlon, Peter Kearney, Eddie Russell, Browne Auto Repairs for their help with the obstacle course, the coaches, Sean (The Stig) Lynch for steering the car, and to Bernie, Sarah and Edel for organising a cuppa and treats for coaches after training.
Our final night is this Friday at 6PM in O'Garney Park which is a hurling session finishing up with some matches at the end and a presentation of certificates. All boys are asked to be there at 6PM sharp in their Bridge/Clare kit for a photo before training.
Anyone who would like to get involved for 2019 let Martin know - we will have some coaches moving on to U10s and others staying on but we always welcome new help of any kind. Remember Helping out and Coaching with the U8's is as simple as eating cake -