Sixmilebridge GAA has always been well known for producing great hurlers but what's more is it is rooted in a community that produces great people. The spirit of the village and surrounding areas is what makes us all proud to say we are from the Bridge! Some of the community highlights in 2019 have been the opening of our new state of the art school, Darkness into Light walk for Pieta house as well as the Fittest Superstars event which was ran by Sixmilebridge GAA as a fundraiser for our new indoor arena but also with the aim for raising money for nominated charities.
We are delighted to report that, Today, at her 6 weekly oncology review in Our Lady's Hospital for Sick Children Crumlin, Laoise Reddin on behalf of 3 of our Fittest Superstars teams captained by Martin Conlon, David O'Connor and Kevin Phelan presented Dr. Jane Pears - oncologist extraordinaire - with a cheque for €2,400.00
It is really amazing to be able to give something back to the place that strives to make sick children better, & whatever way they choose to spend the money the sickest children in the country will benefit from it. Huge thanks to the people of Sixmilebridge, whose continual support of the club and its efforts to fund the arena made this donation to Crumlin possible.
It Takes a Village to Raise a Child.
#ittakesavillagetoraiseachild #smbgaa #arena #forourkids #claresfittestsuperstars #untouchables #notfastjustfurious #aleagueofourown #hodgkinslymphoma #stjohnswardcrumlin #stpeterswardcrumlin #whateverittakes #fightlikeachild #charitybeginsathome #hoopsclinic #drjanepears #ourladys #crumlin #sickchildren #bridgeabú