
Founded 1904

Co. Clare

Indoor Arena - October Update

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As we move into a very exciting week for the Club, with the County Final top of the List, we will also take the opportunity to announce big news in relation to the Arena.

With our Loan coming through it’s a major step forward for the Arena. To date the steel structure is in place along with the internal walls and ground work has been completed for the car park at Cappa Lodge.

It is envisaged that over the next 10/12 weeks that the Roof will be in place, the Main entrance, and the Goal Post ends will be completed and the full arena enclosed.

The next stage will see the construction of the outside walls/Sheeting moving into place.

As the season winds down and with the reduction in traffic at the Cappa Lodge training grounds the arena Car Park will be completed with a fully tarmacadam finish with exterior lighting.

This progress is because of the outstanding support we receive on a regular basis from the people of the Parish.

Your support, and continued support will be the main biggest reason that the Club will enjoy the use of the Single biggest Arena of its kind in the west of Ireland.

We stated from the start that this Arena will only be possible with the Parish behind it, and when complete it will be a facility that the people of the Parish will be proud of.

Remember, to stay up to date with Sixmilebridge GAA visit our website or download our app.

Thanks to all, Sixmilebridge. GAA. Club.

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