
Founded 1904

Co. Clare

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As you are aware our new season is nearly in full swing. This year we will attempt to play more games than ever in Clare and as you are aware all are games now need an offical referee.I am very consious of referee burnt out with of our referees now being asked to officate in the region of 150 -200 games in the season,with this in mind and to ease the pressure on our referees i am asking for your help and the help of all clubs in Clare. What i am suggesting is  that each club in the county will nominate at least 1 suitable candidate to attend the up coming referee level 1 foundation courses which we will be running over the next few weeks.This is essential to make sure that all games in the county are properly run at the highest standards which is what we all our aiming for.Clare level 1 foundation course are scheduled for the following dates,

Tuesday 25th Feb at 730 in Clareabbey,

Tuesday 3rd March at 730 in Clareabbey,

Tuesday 10th March at 730 in Clareabbey,

Each individual will be required to attend on all 3 nights and at the end of the third night they will be qualified to start their careers as our future stars in refeering.This year Croke Park have extended an invitation to all candidates who complete the 3 nights to attend a meet and greet day in Croke park on the 4th of April where they will meet with some of the top referees in the country and they will be presented with their certificates and a set of referees gear by the president of the GAA.Refreshments will be supplied on the day.This is a fantastic opportunity for young and not so young to get involved in refereieing.I can honestly say that to be involved as a referee can be very rewarding and can lead to oppurtunities to referee at the highest level.Your support with this would be greatly appreciated and continue the high level of refereeing within the county.

Please forward all candidates details to me before Tuesday 18th of Feb .

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