
Founded 1904

Co. Clare

U6/U8/U10 Hurling Return To Play Update

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As we return to action in the coming weeks with our young players here are a few notes and guidelines:


All players must be registered as members of Sixmilebridge GAA and this must be done online here:


Arrive 5 minutes before training and a Covid officer for each team will be in place to ensure each player and coach has filled out the medical form and is a club member.

For U10 team, Parent is to accompany the player and cannot leave until the player enters the grounds. Players will enter at the main gate on the left hand side. Please adhere to the 2 meters social distancing rule while you wait outside the grounds. Collection is 19:00 sharp at the main gate. For U6 & U8 teams 1 parent can access the grounds wth their child.

Please come to training with 1) a water bottle with the players name clearly labelled and 2) a bottle of hand sanitizer with the players name clearly labelled. Ideally these will be in a boot bag with a small towel. The toilets will be closed during training.


All club teams are using ClubZap for communication which will work as follows:

A group is setup for ech group in the club and provided you are a registered club member you will be added to these communication groups.

Prior to each training session the coach will sendd an invite for which you are expected to RSVP (Yes or No) on whether you intend to attend trainng or not.

A medical consent form will be included in the invitation which will need to be filled in in full on the first ocassion and resubmitted (prefilled form) for subsequent sessions. It is mandatory that this is completed for each session. Details in downloading and installing the app below.

U10 Hurling

Return Date: Tuesday 07/07/2020 @ 6pm in O'Garney Park (Main Field)

Training Slots: Tuesday (Main Field) & Thursday (Cappa Lodge)

Coaching Coordinator: Martin Conlon

U8 Hurling

Return Date: Wedneday 15/07/2020 @ 6pm in Cappa Lodge

Training Slots: Monday (Main Field) & Wednesday (Cappa Lodge) (Note: Wednesdays only for the first few weeks)

Coaching Coordinator: Ultan Heffernan & Declan Murphy

Note: U8 communications group is setup so please ensure you are a registered club member and have downloaded ClubZap to be added to the group.

U6 Hurling

Return Date: Before end of month

Training Slots: Friday (Main Field) @ 6pm

Coaching Coordinator: John Reddin

Note: U6 Communication group will be setup in the coming days.

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