Last night in O'Garney Park our U8 hurlers had an internal mini blitz to get ready for some upcoming games with neighbouring clubs in the coming weeks.
We started the session with our usual chat and the main news we heard was about how
- Some of our U8s know some of the boys on the U14 team who won the county final.
- 2 boys got in trouble at school for sharing a topper.
- Some other boys spoke of how they have their flags out while one or 2 quietly said that their Grandad was flying a Mills flag.
- Some of the boys have a teacher from the Mills so we warned them not to share any secrets about the Bridge team until next Monday.
Onto the games then - We had 4 teams mixed evenly who played 3 games each. The games started with ground hurling for the first half and allowed rising for the 3rd quarter and solo running in the final quarter. The boys put in a huge effort and their rucking, blocking and hooking was commended by all the coaches in attendance.
As a reward for all the hard training to date and to celebrate the U14s winning on Saturday Orla arrived with Ice Pops to the delight of all the boys - Thanks to the coaches who helped out and to Michelle as always who does excellent work in the background as our Covid officer.
Plans are being put in place in the coming weeks to organise games against Cratloe, Newmarket, Doora Barefield and Kilmaley so its important all the boys continue to practice what they learn at training on their own at home.
Training continues this Wednesday at 5:30pm in Cappa Lodge.
Mol an Óige
AlwaysHurling BridgeAbú