The good news in this week is we are on the home straight with our indoor arena project - Despite the Covid restrictions earlier this year which affected construction and building along with delays in material availability huge strides have been made in recent weeks as follows:
- Indoor arena lighting is now fully completed.
- Painting has commenced on the internal walls of the arena.
- Contract for the synthetic grass on the indoor pitch and outdoor hurling wall area has been signed.
- First fixing on the outdoor lighting for the hurling wall area is completed.
- Perimeter fencing around the outdoor hurling wall has been measured up and ordered.
- Construction of a basket wall perimeter supporting the land bank areas has been completed
- Drainage for the outdoor hurling wall area has been completed.
Once painting has been completed advertising signage will be installed along with the memorial plaque with names of many great Bridge people and Families - if your interested in an ad or a name on the wall you can find more details here.
A Few Basket Cases! - Volunteers help with the construction of the baskets for the support walls.
Drainage completed this week on the external hurling wall area which will be a massive addition to our training facilities.