
Founded 1904

Co. Clare

Clare GAA Convention Summary

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At last nights Clare GAA convention at the Auburn Lodge in Ennis three new appointees to the top table including chairman, vice-chair and treasurer were sanctioned.

Outgoing Vice-Chairman Kieran Keating stepped up to the helm of Clare GAA following a 115 to 74 vote victory over holder Jack Chaplin (Cratloe), citing the implementation of the recently adopted 5 year Strategic Plan, Saffron & Blue as his chief priority for 2022.

The vacant Vice-Chairman position was won by outgoing PRO Michael O’Connor who managed to edge out Éire Óg’s Paddy Smyth by 94 to 82. The only officer to retain their seat on the executive following an election was Vice-Treasurer Tony Brohan (Éire Óg) who fended off challenger Niomh Madigan (Kilrush Shamrocks) by 114 to 65.

Michael Gallagher pulled out of the race for treasurer at the eleventh hour paving a way for the first female treasurer in Clare GAA history to be elected in Rebecca Sexton.

The position of PRO is currently vacant and any personnel or clubs with interest in nominating someone should do so before the next board meeting in January.

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