
Founded 1904

Co. Clare

AGM Report - 22/12/2021

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In excess of 50 people were in attendance at tonight’s AGM held at Sixmilebridge GAA HQ – Syl O’ Connor was elected as Chairman and in his address acknowledged the trojan work that his predecessor Paddy Meehan had done both on and off the field for the club. He spoke of how honoured he was to be elected Chairman and how he still remembers his first club meeting in the parochial hall back in 1974 and how becoming club Chairman has always been an aspiration. He spoke of his excitement for the season ahead with the opening of the new indoor arena and laying the foundations for all members, players and supporters to excel.

The Treasurers Report showed the club to be in a healthy financial position albeit income was down due to Covid restrictions preventing Bingo and pub selling of the lotto.

The secretary's report outlined many of the positive events that occurred in the club during the year such as participation in the Go Gasta event on TG4, the U15s winning the County Final in dramatic circumstances and the Junior Bs winning the league. The return of schools coaching in Sixmilebridge and the continuance of same in Kilmurry was highlighted as a key milestone which will prove very beneficial in the future. There was huge praise also for the outgoing senior management team who brought 2 championships in 3 years to the club and the intermediates who ran a lot of first teams very close during the year. The Junior B's were crowned league champions and will be presented with their medals at a later stage while Tommy Liddy spoke of some big prospects at U21 level who if nurtured will make adult senior players.

Management Committee 2022

Patron: Fr. Harry Bohan

President: Pat Chaplin

Chairman: Syl O’Connor

Vice Chairman: John McNamara

Secretary: Adrian Hogan

Treasurer: TBC

Asst Treasurer: John Gaul

Registrar: James Scanlan

PRO: Ian Chaplin

Irish Language Officer: Padraig Mac Ghiolla Phádraig

County Board Delegate: Niall Gilligan

Players Rep: Seán Lynch

Committee and Management teams will be discussed at January meeting.

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