While last Saturday ended with disappointment for Clare boys and girls with our loss to Kilkenny Sunday was a day of elation for our U7 hurlers who donned the Saffron and Blue of the Bridge to play in their first ever hurling blitz. Talk over the last few weeks was of a road trip to St Josephs Doora Barefield for a game and when Sunday finally came round the boys hit the ground running putting all the skills they have been practicing for the last few months to great use.
In total we fielded 4 teams each & played 4 very competitive games.
There were some great displays & skills on show from all our lads across these games as well as two broken hurleys & a few cuts & bruises that were left in Gurteen which would make the coaching team very proud!
The boys have been working really hard on their skills in recent trainings & practicing at home & all of these were on full display throughout the days action.
Movement & first time striking were fantastic to see, as well as the comments "we got stuck in" and "I got a belt & got on with it" from the players to the coaches throughout.
Thanks a million to Doora Barefield for the kind invite & the well organized event.
The boys are very eager for game time & are relating these blitz's to the upcoming senior championship battles.
The boys continue their training on a Monday & Friday each week. There are upcoming blitz's, firstly the return fixture v Doora this Sunday & then we welcome our neighbors Newmarket on Saturday July 16th.