Last Friday evening if you can now believe was an amazingly sunny evening. What a difference a week makes in Irish weather!
The u6 girls travelled to Clonlara to take on the u6 Truagh/Clonlara girls. For some girls it was their first time ever playing a Camogie match and to travel away to somewhere else other than the main field in SMB. You would not have thought it was some of the girls first ever match as the Bridge scored goal after goal. All the skills they have been practicing for the last 11 weeks in training was put to great use.
In total we fielded 3 teams each and played 3 very competitive games.
There were a few tears as they took some hard tackles from Truagh /Clonlara but nothing a Jaffa between matches or a goodie bag and a cold Capri Sun didn't fix after the match.The girls have been working really hard on their skills in recent trainings and practicing at home, and all of these were on full display throughout the 3 matches.
Thanks a million to Truagh/Clonlara for the kind invite, the well organized event and goodie bags. Thanks to all the coaches who looked after all 3 teams and have turned up week after week at training.
The girls were asking straight after the matches when was their next match which just shows the enthusiasm of a great bunch of girls.
The girls continue their training on Wednesday evenings at 5.30pm. Any girls who are born in 2016, 2017 or 2018 that would like to join in are more than welcome @ O'Garney Park in SMB.