
Founded 1904

Co. Clare

Hanging Around and Pucking Around Initiative - Reconnecting Neighbours

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It all began a number of years ago when our Adult Fit In Group started up their meet ups on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays with Social hurling introduced to the mix. This proved to be a big success in allowing people to socialize, grow new friendships, get fit and improve their hurling skills in a fun environment.

This year all our coaches have been encouraging all our young players to meet up for a few pucks with their friends outside of training hours to grow friendships, hone their skills and have lots of fun. The groups of boys & girls seen cycling through the village and onto the hurling field over the summer months and at weekends is very encouraging and while the local sweet shops may have seen a rise in sales with the passing trade coaches have also seen an upward trend on skills like free taking and sideline cuts which the boys & girls are practicing in their own time with their friends.

One of the most positive aspects of this initiative has been neighbours reconnecting after Covid with kids in different geo pockets of the parish coming together to meet up - Word is the lads have even started naming their Pucking around groups with popular names including:

The Cappa Cubs

The Village Vikings

The Mountain Musketeers

The Kilmurry Knights

It is also very encouraging to see the large numbers of boys & girls in attendance at Senior training watching their idols and replicating the drills and skills - last week Senior Manager Sean Stack noted he was very impressed as he spotted 2 young boys replicating the stretching exercises of Seadna Morey as they cooled down after their own training session.

Parents have also reported that the traditional pinata being hit with a stick has been replaced around the Bridge with a Hurley and lads using their 2 sides to burst open a treasure chest of sweets with extra sweets given if you connect with your lazy side. Traditional party ideas of paintballing, jump lanes and trips to the cinema have been replaced with simple 5 a side hurling blitzes in the back lawn at Birthday parties.

This weekend is the busiest weekend in our Hurling Calendar with our 4 Adult teams in knockout Championship action (3 x 1/4 Finals and 1 x Semi Final) along with our Minors in shield action and underage teams in blitz action - We again encourage all our players and parents to come out and support our lads, bring your hurley and ball, puck before, during and after the games until your parents threaten you with having to walk home in the dark on your own unless you exit the field.

This meeting up for a few pucks initiative will continue during the winter as we move indoors into our new home (pictured below).

Mol an Óige -


Always Hurling

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