Our U9s got to play in Cusack Park last Sunday week at half time in the Senior County Semi Final Game versus Eire Og. Very wet conditions prevailed but this did not dampen the spirits of the boys who were eager to get out in front of the large crowd to show off their skills.

The boys assembled together beforehand and indeed were enthralled by the senior action and the tight, tense game.

Two entertaining games were played and hopefully this wont be last day out in Cusack Park for these boys.

The half time games have been a huge success and the excitement was palpable when the U9s were informed they would have the chance to play in Cusack Park on such a big occasion as the County Semi Final.

Thanks to Clare Gaa for organising and hopefully this will continue into next year so all our other underage teams will get a chance to show off their skills on the big days.