Under 5s –
Over the past number of weeks, the core coaching team of Jimmy Corbett, Brian Culbert & Terrance Chaplin have been hard at work putting the ever growing under 5s through their paces as they continue their upward learning curve of the hurling world & they have really hit their stride in terms of skills & enjoyment of their hurling.
Getting the basics correct has been the main focus for the coaching team over the past number of months with the assistance of the parents & from time to time, the most senior member of the Culbert clan has been spotted in action with his now U5 folklore bag of sweets in tow, focus has been on drills around holding the Hurley correctly, C-swing & getting the feet stance mastered. The boys have been developing very nicely throughout this period.
Under 7s –
Following the brilliant trip to Galway in late September the under 7s got very little time to rest on there laurels. The coaches had the boys back into training a few days later & were all eager to finish out the year on the field in a strong manner.
Blitz V Na Parsaigh (Limerick) - Monday October 3 rd
In a game dubbed SMB v the “Limerick U7 champions” the boys really stepped up here to take on this challenge. Both teams fielded 6 teams each & 6 games were played on either side of the main field. There was some great action throughout with some super skills on show. Na Parsaigh was very complementary of our boys & the overall setup afterwards. We look forward to making a return trip in 2023.
Blitz V Kilmaley – Wednesday October 12th
Next blitz up on the schedule for the boys, we made the trip up to Kilmaley to take part in our last away blitz of the year. This was a great fixture to get into the calendar at such short notice & with the evenings disappearing on us, this blitz had to throw in on time & be run off smoothly. Compliments to the parents for getting all the boys to Kilmaley on time for the throw in & to Kilmaley for keeping track of the matches & switches to allow this blitz to finish on schedule. With the bridge boys informed that the last time they met their Kilmaley counterparts that they were slightly below the level expected, the boys were eager to deliver a true performance on this evening’s action.
There was some fantastic action throughout these matches & there was plenty of hard-hitting hurling from both sides & again some great displays on show.
One additional point to note is of the super spread that was put on for us after this blitz – Kilmaley went above & beyond any expectation here & even Paul Fitz with training later that night couldn’t resist a sample of apple tart before departure!
Last night & finish on the field under lights – Friday October 14 th
As the evenings were now getting shorter & colder (Brian Culbert was seen arriving in recently with ski gear on), all roads led to the final night on the field of grass for both the Under 5s & Under 7s. There was a jam-packed evenings activities planned for the boys with us welcoming O Callaghan Mills & Clarinbridge. Prior to the main action commencing, all the players of O'Callaghans Mills, Clarinbridge & Sixmilebridge gathered in the Astro. Once the parents had formed a line of honour on either side from the Astro to the main field, the under 5s of each team made there way onto the field to great cheers from all. Following this each matchup of the two “bridges” made their way out one by one. Thanks to all the parents here for their cheers of encouragement. All players felt invigorated by this & once on the field of play they were very eager to get the action underway.
On the Under 5 side after all the super training & development throughout the year, it was time for the boys to get their first taste of action in a blitz format. This was a great opportunity to showcase their skills to all the coaches, parents & spectators. With all three Donnellan’s arriving in the gate for the mills the U5s knew they were in for a real test. Both teams fielded 6 teams each consisting of 3 a side. This format was ideal as it allowed for every player to be heavily involved in each of the games & to be “absolutely wrecked” from hitting the balls. Thanks to Jimmy for setting up the pitches & coordinating these games On the under 7 side, we were thrilled to have Clarinbridge down to replay us again. After the great battles on the field of Clarinbridge a few weeks previously both sets of “the bridge boys” fully understood what lay ahead once the ball was thrown in. With this being the last night on the field & the rumours of a few treats for afterwards, we had nearly the entire available U7 squad to select from. This allowed us to select 7 teams & Clarinbridge to select 5 & we setup a format for 6 games to run off together. Each team played each other once & as with the blitz a few weeks previous there was no shortage of super skills & no shortage of efforts shown from both sides.
This really was a super way to finish out the year on the field of grass for both the 5s & 7s squads & following this we all made our way into the old dressing rooms which at times resembled Mecca with the volumes of kids & adults trying to get in & out for the treats on offer. A request was put out a few days earlier for assistance on the tea/coffee/treats front for this night & a request was made to all the parents of the 5s & 7s to provide treats for this event with a special request for any baked items. The coaches of both setups would sincerely like to complement & thank everyone who helped out with the food offerings & a special mention to all who assisted on the night with the tea/coffee/Kids control. The volume of food of offer was absolutely incredible & even with over 200 kids/adults on the night, there was still a huge amount leftover.
The junior & the U14 squads were strong beneficiaries here!!
The club deserves great credit here too in facilitating this setup with the use of the dressing rooms, water boiler in operation & many committee hands assisting on the night.
We were thrilled to have both O Callaghan Mills & Clarinbridge for this night & both were very positive in their feedback towards the players & the club afterwards.
To all the coaches a major thanks is again required as without the high number who assist & help with the trainings, events & blitzes, none of this could really happen.
Lastly to all the players who are the main focus & the main reason for all involved, well done over the past number of weeks on all the training, the blitzes & extra training homework that they have been told to complete. Some of these boys have developed immensely over the past few months & continue to get even better. Long may this continue.
Both squads will now take a few weeks off & with the hopeful opening of the arena in the coming weeks, both squads will then return the field of “Astro” to close out the years hurling. Enjoy the mini break & again thanks & well done to all involved!