Arena Update - Busy Times
Pre-season Training starts in New Arena
The new indoor Arena and outdoor Astro is now open and being used by teams for their pre-season training. Feedback has been very positive about the quality of the surfaces and benefits of the new hurling walls. The updated Gym is also in use by the teams and again feedback has been very impressive regarding the new equipment.

Togging Out Crew move to Outdoor Arena Astro
The Togging Out Crew have moved to the new Outdoor Astro by the new Arena for their Saturday morning social hurling training sessions. They will be glad to be able to avail of the new facilities given some of the harsh conditions they have endured recently..!

Coaching Courses to start in New Arena - Jan-Mar
Coaching courses will start in the Arena for our existing and new coaches from tonight Monday night and continue for 8 weeks into March.
Arena Open Night, Next Friday Night
An Open “Viewing Evening” will take place on Friday next in the Sixmilebridge G.A.A. Club New Arena Complex in Cappa Lodge. Every Player, Parent, Mentor, Suporter and all Parishioners are welcome. Commencing at 5.00 p.m and ending at 9.00 p.m. Bring a Hurley and Helmet. See you there!

Parish League to start in Arena, next Saturday, Friday Nights thereafter
Its finally here, the 2023 Parish League starts on Saturday next at 4pm in the New Arena
There will be an official Launch Night later in the year.